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The Secret Chronicles of Lost Magic

Welcome to the world known as Larth...

‘The Secret Chronicles of Lost Magic’ is a collection of standalone epic fantasy novels all set in the same universe. Essentially, each book in the Chronicles showcases a significant historical event in the world known as Larth.

Readers will note that each book begins with a brief letter by the Sage Vivlian of Wyllt, who thus connects the stories. Vivlian herself will appear as a major character in the fourth book of ‘The Secret Chronicles of Lost Magic’. And it is Vivlian who has written a number of articles for our enjoyment about the world of Larth – more secret chronicles to enjoy...

Sage Vivlian of Wyllt

As the novels are standalone stories, it is not necessary to read them chronologically, though there may be some small benefit of doing so, and here is the correct order for those interested readers:

#1 The Raven – set in a 'prehistoric' era

#2 Dragonshade – set in a 'bronze-age' era

#3 The Veridian Wars – set in a 'classical' era

# Book Four – set in a 'dark ages' era

There is also a side story which is a sequel to The Raven called, Iluna's Song:

#1 The Doom of Arlg-Teg

#2 Escape to Ilvadran

#3 Coming soon

With such a vast world, there is much knowledge and history to share. Peruse the content on the 'Worlds' page for more, or join our membership for access to all books free and a wider range of in-depth and exclusive articles.