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Here you can find glossaries, articles and maps about the world-building in my stories. Click the follow button to get updates.

The Secret Chronicles of Lost Magic

The Veridian Wars: Glossary

The Solan Realm Map

Grigorius Krell

Rise of the Dark Ones

Why those paintings in The Earl's Daughter?

Why those paintings in The Earl's Daughter?
In crafting Chapter Six of The Earl’s Daughter (Book 2 in Rise of the Dark Ones), set within the illustrious halls of the Louvre, I faced pivotal decisions about which famous paintings to feature. In this chapter, our main character, Michael D’Angelo...
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Grigorius Krell
Grigorius Krell, or simply Grigor, is one of the five protagonists in the The Veridian Wars, and his brooding character is sure to capture readers' attention.As a slave soldier in the Solan military, Grigor has endured many hardships since being capt...
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The Solan Realm Map
The Solan RealmThe Solan Realm is the major setting for The Veridian Wars (Book 3 in The Secret Chronicles of Lost Magic).
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The Veridian Wars – Glossary
[Image above – a postings board in the Solan Realm]There are many invented terms in The Veridian Wars. This glossary will help you out if you get stuck. Let me know if you would like another term added by dropping a comment below or contacting me dir...
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The Worlds of Aderyn Wood
As a kid, my head was always in the clouds, a gateway to fantastical worlds, much to the bewilderment of my parents. Fast forward to today, my head is still in the clouds but now and those fantasies are the lifeblood of my career as a fantasy author....
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